• Understanding the differences between gel wax and coconut wax is crucial for any aspiring candle maker.
  • Gel wax is transparent and ideal for visually stunning candles with embedded objects or intricate designs.
  • Coconut wax candles have excellent scent throw, are eco-friendly, and produce a cleaner burn with less soot and residue.
  • Consider the specific qualities you desire in your finished candle when choosing between gel wax and coconut wax.

Understanding the Differences Between Gel Wax and Coconut Wax

When it comes to candle making, understanding the differences between various types of wax is essential for creating the perfect candle. In this section, we will explore the unique characteristics of gel wax and coconut wax, two popular options for candle making enthusiasts. By learning about their properties, you can make informed decisions about which wax to use in your homemade candle techniques.

Gel Wax is a transparent, rubbery compound made from mineral oil and polymer resin. Its unique texture and clarity make it an ideal choice for creating visually stunning candles with embedded objects or intricate designs. Gel wax has a higher melting point than other waxes, which means it burns slower and lasts longer. However, it can be more challenging to work with, as it requires careful temperature control and specific additives to achieve the desired consistency.

gel wax candle making

On the other hand, Coconut Wax is a relatively new addition to the world of candle making. It is made from hydrogenated coconut oil, which gives it a soft, creamy texture. Coconut wax candles are known for their excellent scent throw, meaning they release fragrance well when burned. Additionally, coconut wax is eco-friendly and sustainable, as it is derived from a renewable resource. It also burns cleaner than other waxes, producing less soot and residue.

coconut wax candles diy

When comparing gel wax and coconut wax, it's essential to consider the specific qualities you desire in your finished candle. If you're looking for a clear, long-lasting candle with eye-catching designs, gel wax may be the better choice. However, if you prioritize sustainability, a clean burn, and a strong fragrance throw, coconut wax could be the ideal option for your candle making projects.

In conclusion, understanding the differences between gel wax and coconut wax is crucial for any aspiring candle maker. By considering the unique properties of each wax, you can choose the best option for your homemade candle techniques and create beautiful, high-quality candles that suit your preferences and needs. Don't forget to explore our other sections on candle making for beginners, including step-by-step guides for creating gel and coconut wax candles, and tips on finding the best candle making classes near you.

Pros and Cons of Gel Wax and Coconut Wax Candles

Now that we have a better understanding of the differences between gel wax and coconut wax, let's delve deeper into the pros and cons of each type. This will help you make an informed decision when choosing the right wax for your candle making projects.

Gel Wax:


  • Unique transparency allows for visually stunning designs and embedded objects.
  • Higher melting point results in a slower burn and longer-lasting candles.
  • Wider range of design possibilities due to its versatile texture.
  • gel wax candle designs


  • More challenging to work with, requiring careful temperature control and additives.
  • Less eco-friendly, as it is derived from mineral oil and polymer resin.
  • Not as strong of a scent throw compared to other waxes.

Coconut Wax:


  • Excellent scent throw, making it ideal for fragrant candles.
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable, as it is derived from a renewable resource.
  • Produces a cleaner burn with less soot and residue.
  • coconut wax candles diy


  • Softer texture may not hold up as well in warmer temperatures.
  • Higher cost compared to other waxes, such as soy and paraffin.
  • Less variety in design possibilities due to its opaque, creamy texture.

As you can see, both gel wax and coconut wax have their unique advantages and disadvantages. When deciding which wax to use for your homemade candle techniques, consider the specific qualities you desire in your finished product. If you're looking for a visually striking candle with a longer burn time, gel wax may be the better choice. However, if you prioritize sustainability, a clean burn, and a strong fragrance throw, coconut wax could be the ideal option for your candle making projects.

Remember, experimenting with different waxes is an essential part of the candle making process, and it's crucial to find the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Don't be afraid to try both gel and coconut wax in your candle making endeavors, and continue exploring our candle making guide for more tips, tricks, and techniques to help you master the art of candle making.

Creating Beautiful Gel Wax Candles: A Step-by-Step Guide

Gel wax candle making is an exciting and creative process that allows you to produce visually stunning candles with a unique transparency. This step-by-step guide will help you get started on your gel wax candle making journey, whether you're a beginner or an experienced candle maker looking to expand your skills.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary materials and tools for your gel wax candle project. You'll need:

  • Gel wax
  • Zinc or paper core wicks
  • Heat-resistant containers (glass or metal)
  • Thermometer
  • Double boiler or melting pot
  • Stirring stick
  • Embeds or decorative items (optional)
  • Colorants (optional)
  • Fragrance oils (optional)

Step 2: Prepare Your Workspace

Set up a clean, clutter-free workspace with all your materials within easy reach. Ensure that your work area is well-ventilated, as some fragrance oils can be quite potent.

Step 3: Melt the Gel Wax

Using a double boiler or melting pot, heat the gel wax to the recommended temperature, typically around 200°F (93°C). Keep a close eye on the thermometer, as overheating can cause the gel wax to become cloudy or lose its transparency. Stir the wax gently and consistently to ensure even heating.

Step 4: Add Colorants and Fragrance Oils

Once the gel wax has reached the desired temperature, you can add colorants and fragrance oils if desired. Be sure to use colorants specifically designed for gel wax, as other types may not mix well. Add fragrance oils gradually, stirring gently to ensure even distribution. Keep in mind that gel wax has a lower fragrance load compared to other waxes, so be cautious not to exceed the recommended amount.

Step 5: Prepare Your Container and Wick

Secure the wick to the bottom of your heat-resistant container using a wick sticker or a dab of hot glue. Ensure that the wick is centered and straight, as this will affect the quality of your candle's burn.

Step 6: Add Embeds or Decorative Items (Optional)

If you're using embeds or decorative items in your gel wax candle, place them in your container before pouring the wax. Be sure to use heat-resistant items and arrange them in a visually appealing manner.

Step 7: Pour the Gel Wax

Slowly pour the melted gel wax into your container, taking care not to disturb the wick or any embeds. Allow the wax to cool and solidify completely, which may take several hours or even overnight.

Step 8: Trim the Wick and Enjoy Your Candle

Once the gel wax has fully hardened, trim the wick to about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) and your beautiful gel wax candle is ready to be enjoyed!

With practice and experimentation, you'll soon master the art of gel wax candle making. Don't forget to explore other homemade candle techniques and wax types, such as soy, beeswax, and coconut wax, to further expand your candle making skills. And if you're looking for more guidance, consider attending candle making classes near you or browsing our comprehensive candle making guide for additional tips and tricks.

DIY Coconut Wax Candles: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Coconut wax candles are gaining popularity for their eco-friendly properties, luxurious texture, and excellent scent throw. If you're new to candle making, this section will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to create your own beautiful coconut wax candles.

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you begin, ensure you have all the necessary materials and tools for your coconut wax candle project. You'll need:

  • Coconut wax
  • Cotton or wooden wicks
  • Heat-resistant containers (glass, ceramic, or metal)
  • Thermometer
  • Double boiler or melting pot
  • Stirring stick
  • Colorants (optional)
  • Fragrance oils (optional)
  • Wick stickers or hot glue gun
  • Wick trimmer

Step 2: Prepare Your Workspace

Set up a clean, organized workspace with proper ventilation and all your materials within easy reach. This will help ensure a smooth and enjoyable candle making experience.

Step 3: Melt the Coconut Wax

Using a double boiler or melting pot, heat the coconut wax to the recommended temperature, typically between 170°F and 190°F (77°C and 88°C). Monitor the temperature closely to prevent overheating, which can cause the wax to discolor or produce an uneven burn. Stir the wax gently to ensure even heating.

Step 4: Add Colorants and Fragrance Oils

Once the coconut wax has reached the desired temperature, you can add colorants and fragrance oils if desired. Be sure to use colorants specifically designed for candle making, as other types may not mix well. Add fragrance oils gradually, stirring gently to ensure even distribution. Keep in mind that coconut wax has a higher fragrance load compared to other waxes, so you can be more generous with your scent additions.

Step 5: Prepare Your Container and Wick

Secure the wick to the bottom of your heat-resistant container using a wick sticker or a dab of hot glue. Ensure that the wick is centered and straight, as this will affect the quality of your candle's burn.

Step 6: Pour the Coconut Wax

Slowly pour the melted coconut wax into your container, taking care not to disturb the wick. Allow the wax to cool and solidify completely, which may take several hours or even overnight.

Step 7: Trim the Wick and Enjoy Your Candle

Once the coconut wax has fully hardened, trim the wick to about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) and your luxurious coconut wax candle is ready to be enjoyed!

As you gain experience in candle making, don't hesitate to experiment with different wax types, such as soy, beeswax, and gel wax, to discover your preferred candle making style. Additionally, consider attending candle making classes near you or exploring our comprehensive candle making guide for more tips and tricks to enhance your skills.

Comparing Soy, Beeswax, Gel, and Coconut Wax Candles

As you delve deeper into the world of candle making, it's essential to understand the differences between various types of waxes. Each wax has its unique properties, benefits, and drawbacks, making it crucial to choose the right one for your specific candle making needs. In this section, we'll compare soy, beeswax, gel, and coconut wax candles to help you make an informed decision.

Soy Wax Candles

Soy wax is a popular choice for candle making, especially among beginners, due to its eco-friendly nature and ease of use. Derived from soybean oil, soy wax candles have a clean burn and produce minimal soot. They also have a longer burn time compared to paraffin candles. However, soy wax has a lower scent throw than other waxes, meaning the fragrance may not be as strong.

Beeswax Candles

Beeswax candles are known for their natural, honey-like scent and golden color. They are eco-friendly, as they are a byproduct of honey production, and have a longer burn time than most other waxes. Additionally, beeswax candles are believed to purify the air by releasing negative ions. On the downside, beeswax can be more expensive and harder to work with than other waxes.

Gel Wax Candles

Gel wax is a unique option for candle making, as it allows for stunning visual effects and excellent scent throw. Made from mineral oil and polymer resin, gel wax is transparent, making it perfect for creating candles with embedded objects or intricate designs. However, gel wax candles can be more challenging to make, as they require precise temperature control and careful handling.

Coconut Wax Candles

Coconut wax candles are gaining popularity for their luxurious texture, eco-friendly properties, and exceptional scent throw. Made from hydrogenated coconut oil, these candles have a creamy appearance and a smooth, even burn. While coconut wax candles can be more expensive than other options, many candle makers find the benefits to be worth the investment.

In summary, each type of wax offers unique advantages and challenges. Soy and beeswax candles are eco-friendly options with longer burn times, while gel wax allows for creative designs and strong fragrance. Coconut wax candles provide a luxurious feel and excellent scent throw. As you continue to explore homemade candle techniques, consider attending candle making classes near you to further develop your skills and find the perfect wax for your creations.

soy vs beeswax candles, gel wax candle making, coconut wax candles diy

Homemade Candle Techniques: Which Wax is Best?

When it comes to homemade candle techniques, the choice of wax plays a significant role in the final product's quality, appearance, and performance. As we've explored the characteristics of soy, beeswax, gel, and coconut wax candles, it's clear that each type of wax has its unique benefits and drawbacks. So, which wax is the best for your candle making endeavors? The answer depends on your priorities, preferences, and desired outcomes.

Eco-Friendly and Natural: If you're looking for an eco-friendly and natural option, both soy and beeswax candles are excellent choices. Soy wax is derived from soybean oil, while beeswax is a byproduct of honey production. Both options have longer burn times and produce minimal soot, making them better for the environment and your indoor air quality.

Creative Designs and Strong Fragrance: For those who prioritize unique designs and strong scent throw, gel wax is the way to go. Its transparency allows for stunning visual effects and the incorporation of embedded objects, while its excellent scent throw ensures a fragrant atmosphere. Keep in mind that gel wax can be more challenging to work with, requiring precise temperature control and careful handling.

Luxurious Feel and Exceptional Scent Throw: If you're after a luxurious, high-quality candle with an outstanding scent throw, coconut wax is your best bet. Made from hydrogenated coconut oil, coconut wax candles have a creamy appearance, smooth burn, and excellent fragrance performance. While they can be more expensive than other options, the investment is often worth it for the superior results.

Ultimately, the best wax for your homemade candles will depend on your personal preferences and goals. Experimenting with different waxes and attending candle making classes near you can help you refine your skills and discover the perfect wax for your creations. As you continue to explore the world of candle making, remember that practice makes perfect, and don't be afraid to try new techniques and materials in your quest for the perfect candle.

assorted homemade candles with different waxes

Finding the Best Candle Making Classes Near You

Now that you have a better understanding of the different types of waxes and their unique properties, it's time to take your candle making skills to the next level by attending candle making classes near you. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced candle maker looking to expand your knowledge, these classes can provide invaluable hands-on experience, expert guidance, and the opportunity to connect with fellow candle enthusiasts.

When searching for the perfect candle making class, consider the following factors:

1. Class Level: Look for classes that cater to your current skill level. If you're new to candle making, seek out candle making for beginners courses that cover the basics, such as wax types, wicking, and fragrance selection. For more experienced candle makers, advanced classes focusing on specific techniques, such as gel wax candle making or coconut wax candles DIY, may be more suitable.

2. Class Size: Smaller class sizes often provide a more personalized learning experience, allowing for one-on-one guidance from the instructor and ample opportunity to ask questions. However, larger classes can offer a more diverse range of perspectives and ideas from fellow students.

3. Instructor Expertise: Ensure that the instructor has a solid background in candle making and is knowledgeable about various homemade candle techniques. Look for instructors with experience in the specific type of wax you're interested in, such as soy vs beeswax candles or wax candle comparison expertise.

4. Location and Schedule: Choose a class that is conveniently located and fits your schedule. Many local craft stores, community centers, and even online platforms offer a variety of candle making classes to accommodate different needs and preferences.

5. Reviews and Recommendations: Research reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or online candle making communities to find highly-rated classes with positive feedback.

By considering these factors, you can find the perfect candle making class to help you master your chosen wax type and elevate your candle making skills. As you progress in your candle making journey, don't forget to consult our comprehensive candle making guide for additional tips and tricks for success. Happy candle making!

candle making class in session

Candle Making Guide: Tips and Tricks for Success

As you embark on your candle making journey, it's essential to arm yourself with the right knowledge and techniques to create beautiful, high-quality candles. Here are some tips and tricks to help you achieve success in your candle making endeavors:

1. Choose the right wax: As discussed in our wax candle comparison, each type of wax has its own unique properties and benefits. Whether you're working with soy, beeswax, gel, or coconut wax, understanding their characteristics will help you make informed decisions and create candles that meet your desired aesthetic and performance.

2. Select the appropriate wick: The wick is a crucial component of any candle, as it affects the burn time, scent throw, and overall performance. Experiment with different wick sizes and materials to find the best match for your chosen wax and candle size. Keep in mind that natural waxes like soy and beeswax may require thicker wicks compared to gel or paraffin wax.

3. Master the art of fragrance: Scented candles are a popular choice among candle enthusiasts, and learning how to properly incorporate fragrance oils into your candles can elevate your creations. Be mindful of the fragrance load, which is the maximum amount of fragrance oil that can be added to the wax without affecting the candle's performance. Additionally, consider using essential oils for a more natural scent option.

candle making fragrance oils

4. Experiment with color and design: One of the joys of candle making is the ability to create unique, eye-catching designs. Experiment with different colorants, such as liquid dyes or mica powders, to achieve your desired hue. For gel wax candle making, consider incorporating embeds, like decorative items or glitter, to create visually stunning candles.

5. Practice proper safety measures: Candle making can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but it's essential to prioritize safety. Always work in a well-ventilated area, use heat-resistant surfaces and tools, and never leave melting wax unattended. Additionally, be cautious when working with hot wax and wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, to prevent burns or injuries.

6. Learn from others: Joining candle making communities, both online and in-person, can provide invaluable support, inspiration, and knowledge. Attend candle making classes, workshops, or webinars to expand your skills and connect with fellow candle enthusiasts. Don't be afraid to ask questions and share your experiences, as learning from others can greatly enhance your candle making journey.

By following these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of candle making and creating beautiful, high-quality candles that you can be proud of. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged by initial setbacks. Keep experimenting, learning, and refining your techniques, and you'll soon become a skilled candle maker.

Max Ember
sustainability, entrepreneurship, candle making, innovation

Max Ember is a skilled candle maker and entrepreneur who has been running his own successful candle business for over 10 years. He is passionate about using sustainable and eco-friendly materials in his products and is always on the lookout for innovative ways to improve his craft. Max enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with aspiring candle makers through workshops and online tutorials.

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